The wonderful world of social media graced us Friday with yet another skyborne rendering of male genitalia.

The pictures and posts suggest an emerging rivalry between the Navy and Air Force over who is drawing the better sky penis.

“We have topped the navy on Ramstein AB,” a Reddit post boasts. “She was large and beautiful.”

Similar images appeared on a Facebook page popular among airmen.

That post read: "Spotted over the skies of Ramstein AB. We beat the Navy."

But ... come on.

That’s not a sky penis. This is a sky penis.

Truth be told, the Ramstein rendering just looks like a bunch of sky trails that only the randier among us could interpret as phallic.

Where are the clean lines, the definitive structure, the elegance that those legendary Navy EA-18G Growler aviators painted in the skies above Washington State last year?

One commenter to the Reddit post noted that they couldn’t see the phallus and appeared to envy the Navy’s version.

A Reddit post bragging of an Air Force sky penis over Ramstein Air Base in Germany epically failed to match the Navy's now-legendary rendering. (Screenshot/Reddit)

“I think it’s off to the far right, with the shaft going over the trees,” another commenter answered. “We didn’t beat Navy, theirs was great. This is weak.”

Geoff is the managing editor of Military Times, but he still loves writing stories. He covered Iraq and Afghanistan extensively and was a reporter at the Chicago Tribune. He welcomes any and all kinds of tips at

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