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Chinese Jody hit with jail time after stealing military spouse
A Chinese man was sentenced to 10 months in prison for ruining the marriage of a People’s Liberation Army soldier.
By Sarah Sicard
In war for talent, Army’s new direct commissions an admin ‘disaster’
The Army's direct commissioning machine has slowly creaked to life in recent years, but will it be ready for the next war's demands?
By Davis Winkie
Army Reserve chief investigating over-tasking, wants faster promotions
Lt. Gen. Jody Daniels said she's eyeing her own staff's tasking practices, too.
By Davis Winkie
Army Reserve officers are bailing out, this general has a plan
Practices that fed the mobilization machine during recent wars now bedevil the Reserve as those wars end and the Pentagon preps for bigger fights.
By Davis Winkie
Leaders, stop stressing the metrics, Army Reserve chief says
“This hyper-focus on achieving all green metrics is distracting from what really matters,” the Army Reserve chief said.
By Todd South