The Air Force has rotated bombers through overseas deployments as part of task forces since 2018. A B-2 stealth bomber is ready to fly again after finishing its maintenance nearly 100 days ahead of schedule. Central Command said the attacks hit missiles and other weapons components used by the militia group. The lance corporal sold 22 guns in four transactions with undercover agents for a total of $23,000. The Flying Fortress has a rather distinguished film career. The brass wants to see every Marine become a drone destroyer. Meanwhile, there's talk of authorizing the defense secretary to seize Lockheed Martin's intellectual property. Abortion, diversity training and COVID prevention are again hot-button issues in the military appropriations plan for next year. Two B-2 Spirit pilots from the 393rd Bomb Squadron last week completed a "cold-pit" refueling mission without the help of maintainers. VA would see a 10% boost in funding under a plan advanced by Republican appropriators on Tuesday, but Democrats oppose other parts of the bill. Load More